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#3 Paliec Mājās

Hello, it's Gloria Again!

Today I'm going to talk about the #Paliecmājās movement. In order to stop the pandemic, Latvian government has set a lot of measures and restrictions, same as the rest of countries. Here we don't have proper quarantine as in Spain but they order to avoid social contact as much as possible. That means stay at home and not go out unless it is strictly necessary. Don't meet with groups of people, or visit others. Go to the supermarket as little as possible.

COVID-19 restrictions can affect us all, but they can be especially dangerous to high risk groups, for example, senior citizens. Them staying at home can save their life. That's why #Paliecmājās arose. The volunteers movement #stayhome is a self-organised group which by using technologies – an app with tasks – helps those most in need. They propose that the active ones can help the people of our city and community by buying groceries, taking a dog for a walk or simply just giving a call for a chat.

 We recently received about 200 flyers on the campaign in the organization, and last Friday Linda and I cycled to Karosta to put the posters there, in places visible to the neighborhood community, like bus stops or the garbage place. It was a beautiful morning touring the entire area and enjoying spring in the vegetation of the place. In the end, Linda and I left with a good feeling.