Oct 20, 2024 27

Today I’m a baby seed excited to grow

From February 21st to 27th, I had the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ international project “My Voice My Choice.” This seminar, focused on climate and participation issues for young people and youth workers, brought together 30 youth workers from various European countries at Lielvirbi...

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Sep 17, 2024 220

Youth Exchange - Gaiming for safety in Sicily

From July 9th to 18th, the youth team from the Radi Vidi Pats association in Latvia – Antons, Estere, Ieva, Rihards, Mikus, and I, the group leader Ieva – embarked on one of the most exciting events of the summer. As part of the Erasmus+ accreditation, the organization InformaGiovani organized a...

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May 16, 2024 983

Projekts "Pan Flute"

Biedrība Radi Vidi Pats kopā ar Horvātijas partnerorganizāciju “Aikien” un Rumānijas partnerorganizāciju ‘Human and Tree” īsteno Erasmus plus programmas Maza Mēroga partnerības projektu “PanFlute”  Projekts norisinājās no 2023.g. septembra līdz 2024. gada decembra. Projekta "Pan Flute" mērķis ir...

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Dec 18, 2023 1296

Second chances

When our activist Linda was invited to the Salto Inclusion and Diversity Forum in Romania this spring, we didn't know it would lead to great new international colleagues and promising, meaningful future opportunities. At the Forum, Linda spoke about the solidarity project created by young peo...

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Sep 6, 2022 1483

CoP Training in Poland – C3 Game Playtest

During 5 full days from 3rd till 9th of May 20 participants from Greece, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland and United Kingdom gathered in Poland in the beautiful natural farm of  @Zywa Ziemia near Gdansk, in order to test new methodology that would help to develop Culture of Peace in organizations. Met...

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